Monday, 25 September 2017

Certify your English level: take a Cambridge exam

(The EP Javeriana is an Exam Preparation Centre and therefore we are aloud to use this image)

Nowadays, certifying your English level is very important to find a job. The EP Javeriana offers the possibility to take the Cambridge Exams through the BEDA Programme. Are you interested?

The first step would be checking your English level

If you are one of our students, once you check your English level, fill in this form with your result. You need to have your javerianaselearning account open.

Take an exam of your level and see the result you get. You can find some exams on the Cambridge ESOL Website selecting your test on the "exams and tests section". Are you ready to take it or do you need to work on it a little bit more? Ask your teacher for some advice!!!

Good luck! And let us know if you are ready…

BEDA team

Thursday, 21 September 2017

We are bilingual!!!

This is a really exciting year for our School: our International Trade Degree is bilingual now and we are also offering two new degrees: Marketing and Publicity and Transport and Logistics.

Welcome to the EP Javeriana!!!

Welcome to this new school year we are ready to smile, create, start new projects, learn and improve together. Would you like to join us?