Thursday, 21 December 2017

Merry Christmas

The EP Javeriana wishes you a very Merry Christmas. ...

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Attitude makes 100%

Now that we are evaluating our First Term work we never need to forget attitude makes 100% ...

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

10 Years BEDA in EP Javeriana: 1st bilingual vocational training school in BEDA

In the EP Javeriana we are very proud to be the first bilingual vocational training school in the BEDA Programme.  We had the opportunity to share our experience at the round table of the 10th anniversary BEDA Congress and received our bilingual sign. You can have more information about the event on our twitter moment by clicking on this picture. ...

Monday, 16 October 2017

Welcome Ameen!

This year we have a new assistant at our School, his name is Ameen and we feel very lucky to have him in our classes. This is his message to the EP Javeriana: "Hi everyone! My name is Ameen and I am an English teacher from Miami, Florida. This is my second year living in Madrid and I absolutely love it here. I like cooking, reading, and watching old movies. When...

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Developing English skills: BEDA and ERASMUS+


Monday, 25 September 2017

Certify your English level: take a Cambridge exam

(The EP Javeriana is an Exam Preparation Centre and therefore we are aloud to use this image) Nowadays, certifying your English level is very important to find a job. The EP Javeriana offers the possibility to take the Cambridge Exams through the BEDA Programme. Are you interested? The first step would be checking your English level?  If you are one of our students,...

Thursday, 21 September 2017

We are bilingual!!!

This is a really exciting year for our School: our International Trade Degree is bilingual now and we are also offering two new degrees: Marketing and Publicity and Transport and Logistics. Welcome to the EP Javeriana!!! Welcome to this new school year we are ready to smile, create, start new projects, learn and improve together. Would you like to join u...

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Enjoy English this summer!

Summer is a perfect time to enjoy English. Are you travelling abroad? That's great!!! Are you staying in Spain? You can still enjoy English! How? Just think of your favourite things to do and plan to do them in English. In the EP Javeriana we give you some ideas: 1. Do you like reading? Read in English!!! Here is a website recommended by @MAsuncinEsteso where you...

Monday, 3 July 2017

Business is fun: Shopping in Madrid

In the EP Javeriana, Business is fun: 5 teams visited different Shopping areas in Madrid and took pictures of the signs they could find in English. The tweeted the information and then analysed the language used. They presented their results to the class. This is Group’s 3 presentation. They visited Serrano and this is what Mario Marín writes about his experience working...

Business is fun: Online Shop

In the EP Javeriana, Business is fun and we work on different projects during the School year. Online Shop is one of the favourite ones. The different teams launch a new business by developing an online shop. To sell globally, the website needs to be in English, of course! The group with David Crespo, Nayelly Lara, Leila Maujo and Miguel del Villar launched Wine&Box....

Monday, 26 June 2017

Thank you Cooper!!

Cooper Wilson, from Michigan (USA), was our language assistant this School Year. It has been a pleasure working with him and now, after this intense year, we share lots of memories: our Magic Show at Halloween, the Saint Francis Xavier show, the delicious Christmas cookies he cooked for us, our Solidarity Breakfasts, all the critical thinking activities in the classes, our Business is fun projects, the 3 minute presentations, our Second Year student...

Monday, 8 May 2017

Compare and contrast: Education System in Estonia

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in the Study trip to Tallinn organised by BEDA. It was just a great experience being able to meet Peeter Mehisto and Tuula Asikainen and learn and discuss about the Estonian Education System with the wonderful colleagues from BEDA schools. But why Estonia? Estonia had the best result in the Pisa Report!!! When visiting...

Monday, 24 April 2017

Presentación Documentación Erasmus 2017-18

Queridos/as alumnos/as: Después de la reunión informativa del pasado día 20 de abril, os recordamos la información sobre el plazo de inscripción para el próximo Programa Erasmus 2017-18. Plazo de presentación: ANTES DEL MIÉRCOLES 10 DE MAYO Lugar: SECRETARÍA Documentos: CV en Inglés Carta de Motivación en Inglés Garantía Financiera Estamos a vuestra disposición. Your Erasmus T...

Monday, 3 April 2017

BEDA needs a mascot

Would you like to participate?? BEDA needs a mascot de sarasacristan...

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Erasmus Internships 2017

In this month of March a total of 4 students from our school have left on their Erasmus Programs to Estonia and Croatia. Yaiza and Aron are now in Tallin (Estonia) and have already been through their first week of internship. Aron is working in a hostel and Yaiza in a company of International Commerce. Their arrival was good and we are willing to receive some more news...

Friday, 24 March 2017

The art of communicating

Communication is really important in business and we need to discover all the keys to an effective communication. Is communication only a matter of language?...

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Are you hungry? Come to Our Restaurant!!

Would you like to run your own restaurant? Come to our Administration Assistant class and you will become an entrepreneur. Will it be formal or casual? Expensive or cheap? Fast-food or sit down style? YOU DECIDE!!!  ...

Friday, 10 March 2017

Always #likeagirl

Women's day is a very important celebration in the EP Javeriana. Our mediators’ team developed an activity to discuss in different classes. One of the videos they played was #likeagirl… What do you think doing things like a girl means? ...

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

I have a dream...

Peace day is a very important day at our School. This year Asunción Esteso from EP Xavier proposed to talk about Martin Luther King Jr. and we decided to do an activity in our English classes with Cooper, our native assistant. We watched part of his speech... And closed our eyes to picture our dream.... If you want to learn more about Martin Luther King you can...

Thursday, 12 January 2017

EP Xavier launches Business is fun: Shopping in Valencia

Good news! When we presented in the teacher’s meet in Galapagar our experience implementing the BEDA Programme, the E.P. Xavier decided to launch some of our Business is fun projects in their classes.   We were really excited with the idea and started exchanging materials. Asunción Esteso adapted the project with lots of enthusiasm and the Students...