Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tips to get ready for your Cambridge Exam

Exam dates are close now... Here are some tips on getting ready for your exams....

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Fair Trade companies

Our Transport and Logistics class worries about fair commercial relationships that promote fair working conditions and a commitment with the environment. To do so, we decided to import fairtrade products from different countries in the world to start distributing them in Europe. These are some of our companies: Fair trade Mango is a ready to eat and...

Thursday, 10 May 2018

We recommend...

Time flies! This school year is almost over and we are launching a new section: We recommend....in which our students will share their recommendations to improve your English having fun. If you have  a recommendation you would like to share, please click on the form and fill it in... It can be the next post. We can't wait to read it :) ...

Monday, 7 May 2018

Adventures from our ERASMUS students

We cannot believe it... but our ERASMUS students have already passed the equator of this amazing experience that they are living this year. After so many days of addapting, learning new things and working, meeting new cultures and learning to work as a team, our students have had the chance to enjoy a long holiday weekend and some of them have decided to travel a little... Pablo...