Friday, 21 June 2019

10 years being ERASMUS+

Ten years ago we sent our first Erasmus students on an adventure, but it wasn't only an adventure for them, it was also for us, the ones that stayed behind making sure that their experience was going well and being their homebase in case something went wrong. We can definitely say that the beginnings weren't easy: the administrative work in order to be and Erasmus+ institution,...


Our ERASMUS+ students are back in Spain! They have come back sharing their experiences in Poland, Estonia, Ireland and the UK. After almost three months we have no doubt that they have improved both their professional skills as well as personally. The students from Grado Superior had to demonstrate their improvement while presenting their final projects completely...

Monday, 10 June 2019


Manuel and Miguel, our Erasmus students from Gestión Administrativa (Administration Assistant) are on their way back to Spain after three months of practice work in Dublin. It has been difficult for us to finally get pictures of them enjoying this experience, it seems that they are a bit camera shy... But have finally received some awesome pictures! ...