Monday, 16 December 2019

Merry Christmas!!

After this exciting term working, learning and improving, it is time to walk, sing and wait... From the E.P. Javeriana we want to wish you Merry Christma...

Monday, 2 December 2019

Incoterms 2020: updates

INCOTERMS (International Commercial Terms) are one of the key tools used in international trade to set the obligations of buyer and seller.  The International Chamber of Commerce updated them and the International Trade 2 students work on this inphographics to show the differences in their International Negotiation bilingual class. We hope they are helpful! :) ...

Friday, 22 November 2019

My experience in EP Javeriana

Good morning: My name is Luis Valero and I study Administration Assistant. I am 23 years old. I have studied Bachelor in a High School in Madrid. After, I have done some courses, but I haven’t found my own way until I have arrived here, I think. In this place, Javerianas School, I think I can do some studies appropriated for me. Here teachers can help me...

Monday, 7 October 2019

Alix, #EPJwelcomesyou

We introduce you to Alix Ruggiero, our new BEDA Language Assistant from The States. Welcome to our School!  "Hello! My name is Alix Ruggiero and I grew up in Staten Island, New York where my parents, two younger sisters and beloved dog still live. I studied Communications at Rutgers University in New Jersey and after, I worked in Diversity and Corporate...

Monday, 16 September 2019


Ready to start a new school year? #EPJwelcomesyou SMILE, CREATE, WORK, LEARN, DREAM AT YOUR SCHOOL: EP JAVERIANA. Watch our new video!! ...

Friday, 21 June 2019

10 years being ERASMUS+

Ten years ago we sent our first Erasmus students on an adventure, but it wasn't only an adventure for them, it was also for us, the ones that stayed behind making sure that their experience was going well and being their homebase in case something went wrong. We can definitely say that the beginnings weren't easy: the administrative work in order to be and Erasmus+ institution,...


Our ERASMUS+ students are back in Spain! They have come back sharing their experiences in Poland, Estonia, Ireland and the UK. After almost three months we have no doubt that they have improved both their professional skills as well as personally. The students from Grado Superior had to demonstrate their improvement while presenting their final projects completely...

Monday, 10 June 2019


Manuel and Miguel, our Erasmus students from Gestión Administrativa (Administration Assistant) are on their way back to Spain after three months of practice work in Dublin. It has been difficult for us to finally get pictures of them enjoying this experience, it seems that they are a bit camera shy... But have finally received some awesome pictures! ...

Thursday, 16 May 2019


Some months ago, our students from Transport and Logistics decided to record a video promoting our school. Specifically, why being learning English is fun in the Escuela Profesional Javeriana and why being bilingual is a challenge but we are learning a lot because of it. We are the first bilingual FP school in the BEDA programme, it has been hard work, put we are very proud of what we have accomplished because of it.  Last year...

Sunday, 12 May 2019

The ERASMUS experience 2019

Our ERASMUS students are writing back telling us how their experience is going! From Bradford, England Viviana and Paula have a lot to tell us! Hello everyone! Living here has been a great experience not just because is our first time living alone, it's everything, how culture changes here: things like meals or bedtime...

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

ERASMUS+ 2019-2020

READY FOR AN EXPERIENCE YOU’LL NEVER FORGET? We are getting ready to see who is going to be one of our Erasmus+ students next year, this opportunity is open to everyone who wants to do their internship practice work abroad during the spring of 2020. As it has become a tradition, we are going to have a meeting in order to give all the information relevant to this experience....

Thursday, 28 March 2019


This school year, seven of our students have taken the plunge and decided to do their practice work abroad. This year the destinations are Tallinn (Estonia), Poznan (Polonia), Bradforf (UK) and Dublin (Ireland). At the beginning of March, they signed all the documents and posed for a ERASMUS EPJ class of 2019. We hope that they...

Monday, 11 March 2019

Maribel recommends...

My name is Maribel Pazos, I´m a student of Transport and Logistics. I recommend a serie which for me is a lot of fun because it has a very interesting plot. If you like history and intrigue, you should watch it. The name of the series is Downtown abbey. If you want to participate in our section "We recommend...", fill in this form....

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Sara recommends...

Hi everyone, my name is Sara and I'm studying Transport and Logistics. I would like to recommend to attend a Language Exchange. A language exchange is two or more people who speak different languages practicing each other's language. It is a very practical and fun method to learn languages. You will learn English while you meet people from different countries!...

Monday, 4 February 2019

Álvaro recommends...

¡Greetings! I´m Álvaro Fernández, Student of Transport & Logistics at Javerianas. I have been learning English since I was a kid, but I have never been abroad. I have just only watched how the US or the UK English is in the movies or videogames, or on TV. One thing I love about English is that you enjoy more variety of things and content made for English-speaking people,...

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

New Year's resolutions

Happy New Year 2019!!! After the wonderful Christmas period we are back to school with renewed strength. It's the perfect time to set up goals for the New Year. Some tips to be successful are:  1. Being realistic 2. Make a "Pros" and "Cons" list 3. Talk about it 4. Track your progress 5. Reward yourself 6. Be constant!! Think of 2 year resolutions and write...