Sunday, 12 May 2019

The ERASMUS experience 2019

Our ERASMUS students are writing back telling us how their experience is going!

From Bradford, England Viviana and Paula have a lot to tell us!

Hello everyone!

Living here has been a great experience not just because is our first time living alone, it's everything, how culture changes here: things like meals or bedtime are different from Spain so Paula and I had to adapt our time to sleep or eat (also entertainment) to UK time. I'm comfortable working for the Chamber International.

The company is comfortable, the people in the office are very kind and they always have patience when we don't know how to do things, also they are very friendly and chatty, our boss Tim, always includes us in meetings, projects, training courses to improve our skills and also wants us to know how the company works in international trade. We also have our own projeect here they are trying help us with everything.

I've visited a few places since I've been here, York, Leeds, a few places in Bradford like the shopping center, pubs, the library, there are here a lot of restaurants!!, Indian and Lebanese food here is incredible.

Two days ago I went to Leeds for our training course and it's a nice place!!! 

Adrián and Lucía are going to tell us how Poland is treating them!

The experience in Poland is being fantastic. When you finish your studies it is a good time to complete your training in another country. You can learn about other cultures and other working methodologies, and obviously you feel how your English improves little by little.
All of these are essential to be more polyvalent in the future.

Everything here is good, these four weeks have been very interesting, it was easy to adapt to the company and meet people at work because we are nine students with an Erasmus+ scholarship and all of them are kind and young people. Poznan in a fantastic city for students because there are a lot of universities and the atmosphere in the beautiful streets is very nice.

I am living in a student's residence and I have met a great amount of people there, Italian, Spanish and Chinese too, my neighbour of the next room, Hun Loo, is from there. I think that next month is going to be amazing.

Finally, Andrés, who is in Estonia is telling us about his experience:


My name is Andres and I'm doing my Erasmus in Tallinn, Estonia. My experience here didn't start as I expected, this country is so quiet and chill and people seem cold from my point of view, however the city centre has a lot of amazing places where you can visit them and have fun to meet new people. Their natural parks are amazing when we have good weather. The place where I've been working is one of the best places in Tallinn. The people that are working here are friendly and and don't hesitate to help when you need them to.

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