Thursday, 22 October 2020

ERASMUS 2020-2021


Hello everyone!

As you may know, we are back on track with the Erasmus+ Programme. Even though we are in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, we are still hopeful and we want to provide our students with the best opportunities that they could have while they study with us.

Usually, by this time of the year we are in the midst of interviews with the different companies that collaborate with us; but since we couldn't do the selection process last April due to a whole country lockdown and ending the school year online without being able to see our students at least once before the summer holidays, we are doing it now.

All students in their second year at the EPJ are welcomed to start the selection process. To do so, you need to send the following documents to the ERASMUS e-mail from the Escuela Profesional Javeriana:

  • Your CV (Curriculum Vitae) in English following the EUROPASS format
  • Cover Letter / Presentation Letter explaining why you want to be an Erasmus student from the EPJ.
  • Document by the bank or family members stating that you have either enough savings or that they are willing to help you economically through the three months that internships last

All documents must be submitted by Friday 30th of October at 23:59.

We are contacting the companies and establishments that usually collaborate with us to see how they are doing after their respectives lockdowns and hoping that they are being safe and wishing them the best. Thankfully, most of them are back to business as normal, without any major incidents!

As soon as we have all the documents, we will start the process of interviewing with each candidate and assessing their English level in order to make the final decision.

Good luck!

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