Finally, here are the recommendations of Khrystyna, Irene, Elizabeth and Álvaro.TIPS ON HOW TO BE ECO FRIENDLY:Our planet is in danger. Every year, we waste water, food, energy, and clothes. We can't afford to keep doing this to our planet, but, what can we do to reduce the waste of materials? Here are some ideas you can do at your school and at your house! -In...
Monday, 31 October 2022
Monday, 24 October 2022
We recommend... Recommendations for improving your English (2)
By MartaStm 11:00
books, English, movies, music, podcast, tongue twisters, tv news, tv series, We recommend No comments
This week we bring you the recommendations of Víctor, María, Laura and Marco.TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISHIn this section of the blog we will recommend you tips in order to improve your english level. There are lots of things you can do to improve it but we will recommend you just a few ones: Watching TV news, movies or series in english with subtitles in english.Reading...
Monday, 17 October 2022
We recommend... Recommendations for being more eco-friendly (1)
By MartaStm 11:00
Administration and Finance, ecology, environment, sencond hand, We recommend No comments
This week we have the recommendations of Mayka, Clarisa, María and Erica to try and be more mindful of our waste.These are some tips that we give you to take care of the environment:Save electricity: turn off the lights and avoid leaving the plugs connected.. Use public transport.Replace plastic bags with clothes bags.Take your own bags to the supermarket.Products that...
Monday, 10 October 2022
We recommend... Recommendations for improving your English (1)
By MartaStm 11:00
Administration and Finance, books, English, everyday life, movies, music, tv series, We recommend 2 comments
This month of October, the first year students of Administration and Finance want to make some suggestions about different ways in which we can improve our English level and also recommendations about living a little more eco-friendly life.Here we have the recommendations of Wendy, Valentina, Samantha and Maikol:LEARN PRONUNCIATION AND VOCABULARYSTEPS:Choose your favorite...
Friday, 7 October 2022
All about Nutrients (vitamins and minerals)
By MartaStm 19:30
Beta Carotene, body, Calcium, Dietetics, Ecdysterone, English, information, Iron, minerals, nutrients, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, vitamins No comments

These past few weeks, the students of the second year of Dietetics have been working into making some informational documents about how different nutrients work and why they are important for our bodies.Here we are going to show you some examples of what we have done:Beta CaroteneVitamin C 1Vitamin C 2EcdysteroneCalciumVitamin...
Tuesday, 4 October 2022
Jornadas de Movilidad Erasmus+ de Educación Superior. 35 años Erasmus+
A few weeks ago, we were able to participate in the Jornadas de Movilidad Erasmus+ de Educación Superior. Proyectos de Movilidad de Estudiantes y Personal de Educación Superior Financiada con fondos de política interior (KA131-HED). Erasmus+: 35 Años de éxitos.We are very grateful, because each year, we get to know more about the Erasmus+ Programme and we also get answers...
Monday, 3 October 2022
We welcome Andrea
This year we welcome our new assistant Andrea. She comes from The States and will be in our classes every Thursday, motivating us to speak English and learn about other cultures. Thank you for all your help!! Hello, I am Andrea. I am 25 years old. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. My family is from Barranquilla, Colombia. I studied at Georgia State...