Wednesday, 20 December 2023

This Christmas be open to receive Jesus

 This Christmas let's make it special:Be open to friends and familyBe open to get togetherBe open to helpBe open to enjoyBe open to celebrateBe open to share...and above all, be open to love.Merry Christmas from Escuela Profesional Javeria...

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Finspain Together In Busines #TIB finalists in the Espiral International Awards

 EPJaveriana & OSAO Finland are Espiral International Awards Finalists! 🏆The Escuela Profesional Javeriana and OSAO, Finland, got finalists in the International Espiral Awards with our project, Finspain Together In Business (#TIB).We are really thrilled since there were really amazing projects participating. Congratulations to all of the winners.We are very proud...

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

From Philippines to Madrid: our assistant Jenny

Hello everyone, I'm Jenny , originally from the Philippines and now proud to call Spain my home for the past three years. My journey in education started at Angeles University Foundation, where I earned my bachelor's degree in Teaching. In my free time, I'm an avid reader, a fitness enthusiast, and I enjoy delving into the world of documentaries. Just like many of my...

Monday, 18 September 2023

Have a great School Year at EP Javeriana

 Hello everyone!Welcome back to EP Javeriana, where a new school year awaits filled with opportunities and growth.We wish you a wonderful year and encourage you to take these points into account:Embrace curiosityMake new friendsAsk questionsSet goalsStay positiveGet involvedEnjoy the journey Let's make this year remarkable! �...

Monday, 5 June 2023

Keep in touch, Andrea!

The end of the School year is approaching and that means we have to say good bye to Andrea, our language assistant from The States. It has been a wonderful experience having her at the EP Javeriana and a great help. This is a message from her: “This year has been a really great experience for me! I want to thank all the students and teachers  for always making me feel welcome...

Friday, 26 May 2023

ERASMUS (Grado Medio)

Here we have the experience of Iker about his Erasmus placement in Dublin:My name is Iker and I’m currently  in a traineeship in Dublin. The Company is an official test center for English that is a requisite for students and professionals who wish to study, work or migrate to an English-speaking country. The exam is an English language proficiency test that includes...

Friday, 12 May 2023


This year has been the 6th Edition of the EPJ MARKET PLACE. The companies created for the ocassion have been: Maclaermas, Oriently, Gea, Sunmobile, Healthy Ways y Flasback.Here are some of the thoughts about preparing for the DAY:MACLAERMASSince the beginning of the course, we have been working towards the exciting Marketplace day for our companies. It has been months of learning...

Thursday, 4 May 2023

ERASMUS+ Experience (Grado Superior)

 It has been a month already since Miguel and Celia left Spain in order to start their internships abroad. Here it is what they have to say about it:Hi I'm Miguel, I am currently doing my internship at the British Chamber of Commerce in Hungary. My experience here has been nothing but exceptional at the moment, experiencing how business is runned in another country...

Friday, 21 April 2023


Third videoconference session: Final presentation Finally, after all the work together, we had the chance to present our final result to the rest of the teams and teachers participating in this proyect. We explained our topics and commented on the differences and similarities between the shops in Spain and Finland. We were nervous but we are proud of our result. Afterwards, another...

Monday, 17 April 2023


We continued our international adventure during the whole month of March. Our next steps were:Gathering information: Field workFriday 3rd of March we used our 2 hours of English class to go to the shops and gather information about prices, products and schedules. We took pictures of the shops and  different products.  Some of us also talked with the workers...

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

ERASMUS 2023 (Medium Degree/Grado Medio)

This past Saturday, our Administration Assistants going on an Erasmus have already flown to Dublin in order to begin this experience.We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to say thanks to the Fundació Inform for giving a chance to our students to be able to have this experience.Iker and Irene were at school some days ago in order to finalize and sign all the...

Friday, 24 March 2023

ERASMUS 2023 (Higher Degree/Grado Superior)

Last week, we kicked off the 2023 Erasmus experience. After many tribulations, Miguel and Celia were finally able to leave Spain and start an amazing adventure!Miguel, our student from International Trade, in now in Budapest, Hungary; and Celia, from Marketing and Advertising in in Poznan, Poland. We hope that, after their first week of their internship, they are having a...

Thursday, 9 March 2023


This is our class: International Trade 1 in EP. Javeriana and we would like to tell you about our project #Finspain #TogetherInBusiness #TIB.IntroductionWe worked on a combined project with students from OSAO Vocational School in Finland and from EPJaveriana in Madrid.It was really exciting since we worked in small groups with students from Finland and Spain to be able to...

Monday, 23 January 2023

Information about Cambridge exams

 Congratulations to the students that got their Cambridge Certifications. Well done!Would you like to be the next one to certify?Come to the information on-line meeting on Monday 30th January- Option 1: 9:15 - 9:45- Option 2: 16:00 - 16:30Fill in this form to get the link. See you soon!Cambridge Information:Test your English level if you are not sure about it.Take...