Thursday, 9 March 2023


This is our class: International Trade 1 in EP. Javeriana and we would like to tell you about our project #Finspain #TogetherInBusiness #TIB.


We worked on a combined project with students from OSAO Vocational School in Finland and from EPJaveriana in Madrid.

It was really exciting since we worked in small groups with students from Finland and Spain to be able to analyse commercial information in both countries. 

The project consisted in comparing different stores and products of Spain and Finland and there were eight different groups who worked on these different topics:

First videoconference session: meeting our teammates

On the first session, we were very nervous, because we did not know what we were going to find. 

Previously, in class we had worked on a presentation where we talked about Spain, its culture and what we liked the most. We also talked about the degree we studied, its subjects and what we could work on once we finished our studies.

Then we watched a video, where teamwork was represented, and with it a brainstorming where we put the necessary points for teamwork to be good.

And with an application we created the logo of our team and we named it. We were able to share a nice moment with our team mates in Finland and get to know them a little bit.

We will let you know about our next steps soon!!!

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