Tuesday, 28 March 2023

ERASMUS 2023 (Medium Degree/Grado Medio)

This past Saturday, our Administration Assistants going on an Erasmus have already flown to Dublin in order to begin this experience.We would like to take advantage of this opportunity to say thanks to the Fundació Inform for giving a chance to our students to be able to have this experience.Iker and Irene were at school some days ago in order to finalize and sign all the...

Friday, 24 March 2023

ERASMUS 2023 (Higher Degree/Grado Superior)

Last week, we kicked off the 2023 Erasmus experience. After many tribulations, Miguel and Celia were finally able to leave Spain and start an amazing adventure!Miguel, our student from International Trade, in now in Budapest, Hungary; and Celia, from Marketing and Advertising in in Poznan, Poland. We hope that, after their first week of their internship, they are having a...

Thursday, 9 March 2023


This is our class: International Trade 1 in EP. Javeriana and we would like to tell you about our project #Finspain #TogetherInBusiness #TIB.IntroductionWe worked on a combined project with students from OSAO Vocational School in Finland and from EPJaveriana in Madrid.It was really exciting since we worked in small groups with students from Finland and Spain to be able to...