Monday, 16 December 2024


A couple of weeks ago we experienced the third year of the FINSPAIN TIB project between the students and teachers of OSAO and Javerianas School.  This was the first time that we could meet in person but this project has been developing and evolutioning over the last 3 years. 

I've been fortunate enough to see it since the very first time, it consisted of online meets evolving the development of joint projects between some of the students at their school and us. It was very well planned and executed by the teachers of both schools but of course improving of the first year and optimizing every part of the experience.

This year the project evolved a lot as the project is now presential for the students both of Spain and Finland, first they came to Madrid in late November and then it is turn for us to go there at early march. This is a huge step for the connection between the schools that is very much enjoyed and appreciated by all the people involved. Following the latest visit of the finnish and the activities done, we can say that the project is growing exponentially and can be an amazing learning opportunity for both parts. We are proud that we were part of this and hope it continues like this, getting better every year!!

By Santiago Castro

We worked online on two different sessions, the first one was to get to know eachother and the second one, each group of students presented a project they were working on in class:

Session 1

In the first session, we presented ourselves to the Finnish students explaining some characteristics of our country, city and school. Then we talked in more detail about our class, International Trade Year 1 and our experiences during the course. Also, the Finnish students explained to us about Finland and their school, OSAO.

Finlandia de Alexandra Leyva Molina

By Alexandra Ramírez, Valeria Dueñas and Irene Muñoz

Session 2

In the second session of FINSPAIN, we worked on our “Shopping in Madrid” project, that talked about all the different commercial areas all over around our city. We started with research, dividing ourselves into 5 different groups to explore those areas and gather information and pictures. Later on we built a presentation based on that information and showed it to our Finnish friends before having them show us their business project. It was a very fun project that required everyone's full cooperation and ended up being a huge success.

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