Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Guio on We recommend... our new section

Hello, my name is Guio, I'm studying to be an Administration Assistant. I'm on my second year.

English is a language that is really spread throughout the world. Everyone is learning or already knows English. That means that there are a lot of resources that will help you to learn this language. The one I would recommend is to be in a constant contact with it. And how could you do that? By using the things you enjoy doing like watching tv shows or movies and enjoying them in English.

The one I absolutely adore and would recommend everyone to watch is, Mulan. I know, it's a Disney movie that is thought to be for kids, but really it has a deep plot and on top of that the English is really easy to follow.

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  • Guio on We recommend... our new section Hello, my name is Guio, I'm studying to be an Administration Assistant. I'm on my second year. English is a language that is really spread throughout the world. Everyone is learning or already knows English. That means th… Read More

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