Monday, 12 November 2018

Our English Corner receives the first prize!!

We are so excited to find out that The English Corner EPJ was awarded with the 1st prize on the third edition of the Vocational and Education Training blogs competition. Congratulations as well to the other finalists, great job! :)  #EUVocationalSkills 

For us it is a really important recognition of our work, especially because it was organized by the Escuelas Javerianas were there is a long tradition of bloggers. Thank you!!

Marta Santamaría and I (Sara Sacristán) wanted to also thank everybody that participates on the blog sharing their experiences since 2009; The English Corner EPJ would not be possible without you: our assistants, teachers in charge of the Erasmus Programme, and all the students that share their work and recommendations to learn English... 

THANK YOU ALL!!  We hope to continue sharing on the


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