The different companies created in the class received them and explained their business ideas to them in a meeting.
This is how the different groups describe their experience:
We enjoyed doing the tour around Madrid for the Japanese and the advertisement video.
Nuria, Natascha, Javier López, Javier Ruiz y Renzo."

Our group learned that food really helps with communication with people from other countries and makes the environment relax, we also learned that breaking the ice and talking for a little bit before starting the presentation is a great idea. We realised that music makes young people have a good time together.
Mussic Festival: Sergio Suárez, María José Páez, Nacho López and Alex Ilea
We presented Moveat.

We presented our project and we could learnt about how defend our ideas.
Our company is about diferent foods healthy , traditional ...
We have important values about the ecosistem and environment.
Change your mind.
Good morning!
We are Stephany hernandez, Sandra Jordá, Álvaro Martínez and Antonio González (helped us on the presentation).
First, we put in common all the ideas that we had and it was difficult to choose one because we all had very good ideas and we wanted to put them all, but at the end we mixed the ideas and 21stuff was the result.
Then we distributed the work and helped each other to do the Power Point and the video.
In conclusion, we liked this project and doing this way because its an educational material and its more easy for us working this way.
21 stuff is an app where you can find all kinds of things, the purpose of this app is, if you are looking for something, have a support where look many products to post the people, and if you like that, have the opportunity to buy that, to buy all types of products.
We like to work in that app because are our, we think about or app and we have managed to create it as we wanted to help each other and contributing ideas
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