Monday, 17 December 2018

Merry Christmas: Jesus, it's always better with you

Merry Christmas from the EP Javeriana,  and do not forget Christmas is always better with you :) ...

Monday, 10 December 2018

We receive Japanese visitors!!

The International Trade 1 class received Japanese visitors who are interested in investing in Spain. The different companies created in the class received them and explained their business ideas to them in a meeting. This is how the different groups describe their experience: "We presented our idea, it's called Find a mess and it's an app where you can find the best night...

Monday, 12 November 2018

Our English Corner receives the first prize!!

We are so excited to find out that The English Corner EPJ was awarded with the 1st prize on the third edition of the Vocational and Education Training blogs competition. Congratulations as well to the other finalists, great job! :)  #EUVocationalSkills  For us it is a really important recognition of our work, especially because it was organized by the Escuelas...

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Guio on We recommend... our new section

Hello, my name is Guio, I'm studying to be an Administration Assistant. I'm on my second year. English is a language that is really spread throughout the world. Everyone is learning or already knows English. That means that there are a lot of resources that will help you to learn this language. The one I would recommend is to be in a constant contact with it. And...

Monday, 29 October 2018

Our Bilingual Project receives a BEDA Prize!!!

We are very happy and grateful to receive this award from BEDA. It recognizes the effort we have made over recent years. Bilingualism in Vocational Training is not an easy matter, this is why we called our project “Bilingüismo en FP: de quimera a realidad”. The bilingual team: Marta Santamaría, Marta Sáez, our assistant Ameen Mettawa and I (Sara Sacristán) have...

Friday, 19 October 2018


This school year, the second year students from Administration and Finance have begun studying the module of Logistics in English following the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) methodology. After the first month of lessons and projects, these students have presented their experience and some of their work to their colleagues in first year of Administration...


Some of you may know that the last few years we have been able to send some of our students abroad to do their trainships through the ERASMUS+ programme. A few years ago, a couple of our students from Dietetics were able to do this in Croatia at the POLYTECHNIC IN POŽEGA where they had a very good and enriching experience. And it's through this collaboration that we have...

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Ameen stays with us!

Hello everyone! My name is Ameen, and I am from Miami, Florida. This is my third year living in Madrid, and my second year as a Language Assistant at Javerianas. I loved my last year here, and am very happy to be back and to see both new and familiar faces. As some of you already know, I like to use my time in class to motivate students to speak as much as possible in...

Tuesday, 4 September 2018


Welcome!! We are ready to start this exciting school year with you...&nb...

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Tips to get ready for your Cambridge Exam

Exam dates are close now... Here are some tips on getting ready for your exams....

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Fair Trade companies

Our Transport and Logistics class worries about fair commercial relationships that promote fair working conditions and a commitment with the environment. To do so, we decided to import fairtrade products from different countries in the world to start distributing them in Europe. These are some of our companies: Fair trade Mango is a ready to eat and...

Thursday, 10 May 2018

We recommend...

Time flies! This school year is almost over and we are launching a new section: We which our students will share their recommendations to improve your English having fun. If you have  a recommendation you would like to share, please click on the form and fill it in... It can be the next post. We can't wait to read it :) ...

Monday, 7 May 2018

Adventures from our ERASMUS students

We cannot believe it... but our ERASMUS students have already passed the equator of this amazing experience that they are living this year. After so many days of addapting, learning new things and working, meeting new cultures and learning to work as a team, our students have had the chance to enjoy a long holiday weekend and some of them have decided to travel a little... Pablo...

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

ERASMUS+ 2018-2019

Hello everyone! This post is going to be all about the ERASMUS+ programme since we are getting ready for next year! Are you going to be our next Erasmus student? Why is it a good idea to do your internship abroad? Because... you'll gain international working experience (something to add to your CV) you'll improve foreign language level you'll learn new work techniques...

Monday, 5 March 2018

Shopping in Madrid 2018

In the EP Javeriana we were analysing different High Streets around the world, so we decided to go window shopping to four of them in Madrid: Preciados, Serrano, Goya and Fuencarral.  We also did some research on the English language used by taking pictures of the signs we found. After processing the information, the different groups presented it to the class and...

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Ready to take a Cambridge Exam?

Come to our meeting on Wednesday the 28th, we will give you all the important information. Remember how important it is for your CV :) ...