Thursday, 21 May 2020


At the end of February our Erasmus students took their flights to their host countries excited to start their work placements. Sadly, some of them haven't been able to finish or even start this experience and had to come back home.

However, two of our students are still in Poland since they had the opportunity of "teleworking" and even though the situation is not ideal, they are learning a lot!

This is Eduardo and he has sent us some words about his experience:

Cześć (Hi) 

I'm learning a lot in this different Erasmus. 
First of all working remotely without knowing the company at the beginning is weird but you get used to it (I'll hope to visit one time before I go back to Madrid). 
The little that I visit of the city was so nice, I really liked it, but the best is the typical fat polish food, here they have a day called Fat Thursday, so you can imagine what means that. 
Although of this difficult situation I enjoying the time now, knowing more people each day, learning different tasks in the Marketing area and also a new experience in my personal life.
Do widzenia (Bye) 

We wish Eduardo finish his work placement happily and safe travels coming back home!

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